SWECOV is the Swedish Register-based Research Project on COVID-19. It’s official name is Ett forskningsprogram om covid-19 i Sverige: Smittspridning, bekämpning och effekter på individer och samhälle. SWECOV is a multidisciplinary research collaboration focused on using quantitative methods and comprehensive register data about the whole Swedish population to answer important questions about the consequences of the pandemic.
Read about our ongoing and finished studies below. For more information about the project, and how to apply to participate, look under the About us and Participation pages respectively.
SWECOV studies
Symptoms reported through the Swedish Healthcare Guide 1177 for disease surveillance and hospital predictions
Tove Fall, Jonas Björk, Ulf Hammar, Per Lundmark, and Georgios Varotsis
Understanding social inequalities in Covid-19 testing behavior
Olof Östergren, Arizo Karimi, Emelie Counil, Jonas Björk, Tove Fall, and Karl Gauffin
Predictors of COVID-19 outcomes among residents of Swedish long-term care facilities—a nationwide study of the year 2020
Jenna Najar, Rasmus Broms, Marina Nistotskaya, and Carl Dahlström
Sweden's COVID-19 Recession: How Foreign and Domestic Infections Struck against Firms and Workers
Anders Akerman, Karolina Ekholm, Torsten Persson, and Oskar N. Skans